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Spiritual Fear-Breaking Exercises

February 10, 2022


Spiritual Fear-Breaking Exercises

Morning Fear Routine: The first thing in the morning when you wake up, the moment you feel the fear — start talking!

Every fear is likened to a shell. It’s a dark egg, but once you crack it, there is an offering for you. These “fear shells” will hold your light until you’re ready to break em. Pushing fears away only makes them stronger. People want more, but “more” is revealed through breaking shells.

List all your fears, in the morning and thank them.

(God/Goddess/Source/Force/Jesus/the Earth/your higher self, etc)

You can begin with saying…
— Thank you that I’m afraid that________…
— Thank you for the light you’re trying to reveal to me
— Tell me what I need to do to change this fear
— Show me on the seed level of what I need to change about myself that is causing this fear
— Open my eyes and give me certainty, because I don’t have it. Give me the strength, because I don’t have it right now! I’ll beg if I have to.
(If you ask for certainty over and over again, you won’t know how it’s going to come, but you will feel a sense of calm wash over you).

The force of darkness loves apathy — “too tired, don’t have the energy, what’s the point, can’t do it,” that’s exactly the time you should do it!

*(advanced option) The Kabbalist’s recommend pouring water over your hands three times when you wake in the AM, because there are negative forces that come to us in our sleep, and water is a form of physical light. (You can use any vessel that holds water for this).

The Fear-Color Breathing Visualization: By Karen Berg
Write down what you are afraid of, you can write, say, draw it. Then assign that fear a color (insert color) Ask yourself, what color would heal the fear color? (insert color).
Sit comfortably, and for at least 12 reps BREATHE IN THE HEALING COLOR/BREATHE OUT THE FEAR COLOR. — Then ask the healing color to show you the seed, (seed=that which makes a bad feeling or situation develop), we don’t always know where the fear is, it can be so deep rooted! (example: losing control/not feeling loved).
Write/say/draw what this meditation brought up for you, (the seed).
THEN (in a safe receptacle) BURN the seed of that fear! This helps drain the power of the origin of the fear, not what I think it is — it helps drain the force that the fear has over you in daily life.

More to come…