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Real Beauty

March 14, 2022


Real Beauty

There is a garden within us, a piece of the creator-force that resides deep within our being. I think of it as an enchanting forest, a portal of creation that is ours to tend to —to water, to nourish, and explore within ourselves. We let people come and go, and with time I think parts of our garden die, it withers with the seasons, but only to make room for new growth, it’s all a natural process.

I don’t know what happened to us, when did we become form-worshipers? It’s as if we’ve become obsessed with the peel of a banana and thrown away the actual fruit. Maybe it’s always been this way, (to a degree) that our worth in this world is tied to our looks and not the inherent essence within. At times, it felt like I was born with an invisible contract from IMG models, some bullsh*t contract I didn’t sign, nor agree to. We’re never going to find real security in the external appearance, (banana peel) of our being.

“I WANT TO BE LOVED FOR MY BANANA PEEL, NOT MY BANANA!” Said no one ever. It’s like offering the peel to someone you love that’s hungry, just the peel. Great! thank you, delicious:( Oh, I’m sorry, my substance and consciousness have been lost in the process of trying to maintain a shell of myself…

I still feel trapped and subject to a certain fiery hell of a consciousness that taints women especially. At this point, it seems normal to be somewhat anorexic, a socially acceptable demon that gets rewarded. How much strength would it require to shed ourselves of these garbage lies? I think blaming men is a cop out, the majority of men don’t want women to augment anything. There’s a billion-dollar industry supported by women trying to augment, or somehow escape the natural process of aging. Do we even give a sh*t about our fruit? (lol, sigh). As women, I think we fear what it would mean to step into our own divine beings.

I was talking to a guy I met this past summer on the subject, and he goes, “society taints women, and it’s sad, you’re not supposed to be judged on your beauty, that’s just a bonus, society contaminates.” He’s right, we live in an anti-life culture, our worth in this world has always been tied to our looks, not the amazing miracle of mere existence. As if being pretty or a certain measurement will “save” us, and solve all our problems. It’s a garden of deception — to water oneself down to an object because we believe we’ll be loved or kept safe in return. It strives in the name of love and security, but it’s a short term solution that’s purely disposable. Ironically, the drive for outward perfection takes us further away from what could fill the void, which is getting in touch with who we really are — out true nature, our essence, our fruit!

What is it that we want to be truly-loved for? A better question, what is it that attracts us to others? Is it how thin or beautiful they are? Of course not, it’s how they make us feel. If we were stripped away of our physical forms, how would we feel to others? How would our words carry? How would we spend our time? What is our relation to the spirit, and all of this? What does a beautiful consciousness feel like?

I think this article has run its course, but it feels good to stand on this metaphorical soapbox, as I’m sure I’ve been appointed by the Galactic Empire of the Light Force to speak on the issue. The true essence of beauty radiates from the inside out, while our body is a vessel and sure to decay, our garden remains eternal. Off to water my garden 🙂