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Love is a Metaphysical Thing

February 17, 2022


Love is a consciousness, an intelligence, and a universal property — It’s a metaphysical thing, a particular aspect or feature of the absolute. It’s available to everyone in an endless supply. To have a romantic relationship with life itself, I believe, is what we all truly crave, on a deeper more profound level. To have an intimate relationship with a moment in time, (this moment) is love. To have consciousness of the beauty of creation, and a loving of humanity itself is a profound and triumphant love.

I think we’ve all been burned by love in some capacity, but cultivating a faith in love is similar to a faith in gravity, not as much as a “faith” as it is an awareness that it’s there, and knowing that it will nurture you if you tap into it.

I started writing this on Valentine’s day, because the holiday (speaking for all single people out there) makes it feel like if you don’t have romantic love, you’re somehow lacking in love. There’s this culturally endorsed version of love that overshadows the essence of love itself. Perpetuating the idea that the feeling we get in the presence of someone “accomplished, talented, intelligent, beautiful” that we want to hold, kiss, and caress, maybe one day get married to and share a life with is love, but the less endorsed, seemingly forgotten version of love is focused not on strength, but on kindness towards what is weak, and a tolerance for what is “bad”, “ugly”, and “unattractive”.

To value love is to value kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgement (and such things), and to honor those values would mean to develop a thought system based on love, and work towards making love a priority in any given situation.

Our job is not to seek for love, but to identify and weed out the barriers against love coming into our lives. Taking some time to question the ways in which we’re not loving.

A true test of love is to love what is against you, and I wonder, how is everyone doing with that? 😉

At times it’s harder to access myself, harder to access the force of love within and around me, but in the face of fear and doubt, I choose love. Even on my worst days, reminding myself that the connection to love’s frequency is my #1 priority.

Love is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, and our attempts to direct this force only interferes with it, we can relax into it and let it work through us. Human relationships, especially the relationship to ourselves (and with nature), exists to produce love, and when we pollute our relationships with unloving thoughts, or destroy them with unloving attitudes, we threaten our emotional (and physical) survival.

When I look to the moon at night, or am lucky enough to see the stars, there’s a loving surrender to something so much greater than myself. A subtle, (or not so subtle) mysterious reminder that everything is one, the universe is love and we are very much part of it. I feel a swelling in my chest every time I read the poems of Rumi, his words remind me that our existence here is to connect through love, and what is not love may not even exist at all. Just taking a moment to look around and appreciate what is, that’s love, and as I sit here and write this, I feel love — knowing that someone, somewhere, is reading this.

Hello you:)